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How Much to Tip Your Tattoo Artist? A Complete Guide

how much to tip your tattoo artist

Did you know that the average tattoo artist in the US makes about $30,000 per year? That’s not a lot, considering the skill, creativity, and dedication required to create beautiful and lasting art on people’s skin.

That’s why tipping your tattoo artist is not only a nice gesture but also a way to show your appreciation and support for their work.

Key Takeaways

  • Tipping your tattoo artist is optional, but highly recommended.
  • The standard tip is 15% to 20% of the total cost of your tattoo.
  • You can tip more or less depending on the quality, difficulty, and experience of your tattoo artist.
  • You can also tip in other ways, such as gifts, referrals, or reviews.

How Much to Tip Your Tattoo Artist?

If you’re wondering how much to tip a tattoo artist, the answer is: it depends. No fixed rule dictates how much you should tip, but there are some general guidelines and factors that you can consider.

The most common and accepted way to tip a tattoo artist is to give them a percentage of the total cost of your tattoo. This is similar to how you would tip a waiter or a hairdresser.

The standard tip is usually 15% to 20%, but you can adjust this amount depending on your satisfaction and budget.

For example, if you paid $200 for your tattoo, a 15% tip would be $30, and a 20% tip would be $40. You can round up or down to the nearest $5 or $10, or whatever amount you feel comfortable with.

What Factors Affect How Much You Tip Your Tattoo Artist?

Tipping is a personal and subjective decision, and you should always tip what you can afford and what you think is fair. However, there are some factors that you can take into account when deciding how much to tip your tattoo artist. These include:


 Did your tattoo artist do a good job? Did they follow your instructions and expectations? Did they create a design that you love and that suits your personality and style? Did they use high-quality equipment and materials?

Did they pay attention to the details and the cleanliness of their work? If you’re happy with the outcome of your tattoo, you might want to tip more to show your gratitude and satisfaction.


 How complex and challenging was your tattoo? Did it involve a lot of shading, coloring, or intricate details? Did it cover a large or sensitive area of your body? Did it require multiple sessions or hours of work?

If your tattoo was difficult or demanding, you might want to tip more to acknowledge the effort and skill of your tattoo artist.


How experienced and reputable is your tattoo artist? Are they a beginner or a veteran in the industry? Do they have a portfolio or a website that showcases their previous work? Do they have a lot of positive reviews and testimonials from their clients?

If your tattoo artist is experienced and reputable, you might want to tip more to reward their professionalism and reputation.

How Else Can You Tip Your Tattoo Artist?

Tipping your tattoo artist with money is not the only way to show your appreciation and support. There are other ways that you can tip them, such as:


You can give your tattoo artist a gift that is related to their interests or hobbies, such as a book, a mug, a t-shirt, or a piece of art. You can also give them something useful for their work, such as a sketchbook, a pen, or a tattoo magazine.

Make sure that the gift is appropriate and thoughtful, and that it reflects your personality and relationship with your tattoo artist.


You can refer your friends, family, or colleagues to your tattoo artist, especially if they are looking for a similar style or design.

Word-of-mouth is one of the best ways to promote and support your tattoo artist, as it can help them grow their clientele and reputation.

You can also share your tattoo artist’s contact information, website, or social media accounts with your network, and encourage them to check them out and follow them.


You can leave a positive review or feedback for your tattoo artist on their website, social media, or online platforms, such as Yelp, Google, or Facebook.

You can also post a picture of your tattoo and tag your tattoo artist, or use hashtags that are relevant to their work. Reviews and ratings can help your tattoo artist attract more customers and improve their online presence and visibility.


Tipping your tattoo artist is a way to show your appreciation and support for their work, and to ensure a good relationship with them.

The standard tip is 15% to 20% of the total cost of your tattoo, but you can adjust this amount depending on the quality, difficulty, and experience of your tattoo artist.

Now that you know how much you should tip a tattoo artist, you can enjoy your new tattoo and feel good about your decision.


Tipping is optional, but highly recommended. It’s a small gesture that can make a big difference for your tattoo artist and yourself.

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